
The Church that lets the Church fall into disrepair. A symbol for all that has happened.

Celebration of Ecumenical Parody Requiem for Glacier. Faith, Hope and Environmental Protection and the greatest of these is Environmental Protection.

Head of German Bishops Conference, tied in legal knots, forced to sign cease-and-desist declaration

"Sexual morality is the corpse in the cellar of the Church and the stench that emanates from this corpse corrupts everything else"

Cardinal Hollerich: World Synod needs protected space. Rather the Church needs to be protected from Synod.

Nuncio to the EU determined to root out all extremism

Close associate of Pope Francis arrested for fraud

Catholic devotions for the 5th September

Pope has chosen the name of the next Pope, Pope John XXIV. Does he really think a redramatisation of Vatican II is a good idea?

Cathedral dedicated in honour of the proclamation of the Immaculate Conception becomes a performance space for modern bat-focused ecological dance

Cardinal enraptured by the spirit of Synodality

Bishop condemns idea that the Church is a "House full of glory"

Yet more marginalisation, stereotyping and scapegoating of traditionalism. Traditionalism as a vast right-wing conspiracy.

Pope on other religions: "We have a common origin and a common path". Pope forgets the name of the founder of the Catholic Church, Jesus Christ.

Catholic devotions for the 4th September