
Rosaries, for the boys

My house shall be a house of prayer

Catholic Church becomes protestant

Boston again

The Latin Mass - A Journal of Catholic Culture

Lithuanian leader calls on Boston archbishop to keep church open

Bishop of Evansville

New church's carillon serenades the countryside

New name of Church disappears

The Catholic Day, Week and Month

Lost sheep

If you love- Si Diligis.

Pope Saint Pius X

Church of St Pius X to close

Faithful Voice

To Build a Stronger Church

Keeping the faith

The Franciscans in Glasgow

Shrine of St Valentine, Whitefriar Street, Dublin

My house shall be called a house of prayer

Save Our Building From Destruction

Hard of heart

Parishioners at Weymouth church holding sit-in

Bishop says 21 percent of parishes to be closed

The offending banana

Flashback 2000

'Community will have its heart ripped out', Widnes, UK

Scranton Diocese not planning any more Church closures

Latin at last

New Latin

Latin Mass not allowed in many Churches

From the Catholic Encyclopedia

In 2001