
Hotel Aquino

House of Lords

Berlin Church of Mary, Queen of the World to close.

122 Churches to close in the Ruhr Area in Germany

Food and culinary centre

2nd Cathcon Caption Competition

1st Cathcon Caption Competition

Slow vandalisation.

The X-Fest

Vatican Council Remembrance Church in Vienna

The glories of Catholic Lancashire

When Catholics were reduced

St Augustine's Community Centre, Preston, Lancashire

La Ramée Abbey - victim of the French revolution

Hillary Clinton- new patron "saint" of the Jesuits

Welcome to Fatima Radio

When your Bishop trys to close down your parish

How easy is it for a Satya Reiki Master to get past St Peter's Gate?

Winner to be announced tomorrow

Dioceses Struggle

Worldly Annunciation

What a great picture


Many thanks to the Catholic Sage

Advertising bans

Cathcon caption competition

Pimp my Church

Two clerics in Austria

Clerical dress