
Theologian demands Church must commit herself to principle of sexual self-determination

Limburg Vicar General resigns over the way he dealt with suicide of progressive associate of Bishop Bätzing

Gay eroticism and power: Queer exegesis in the Christian tradition

Priest throws Host down on the floor rather than give Communion on the tongue

Feast of Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen

Bavarian Protestants forced to withdraw equation of Greta Thunberg with Jesus Christ

Austrian Catholic Women's Movement: Women should be allowed to preach

Moderns delete Bible verses that they do not like

President of the Pontifical Academy for Life thinks legalisation of euthanasia may serve the common good

Pope wants to evict Archbishop Gänswein from Rome and plans to visit Argentina in 2024

Bishop Haas dragged into Archbishop Zollitsch scandal

Tense week for Cardinal Woelki, under investigation for perjury

Federation of German Catholic Youth organises Anti-Patriarchy Conference #smashthepatriarchy

Priests and nuns allegedly jointly plotted and carried out sexual abuse of children

Time for the Church to dialogue with traditionalists