
Documentary on Islamic extremist who would conquer Rome

Church criticises Cardinal's analogy for homosexuality

Update- Germany expels Islamic preacher

Islamic preacher- We will conquer Rome

Cardinals to investigate Vatican leaks

Easter Bunny reads prayers at Mass

Disgraced bishop returns as Vicar of Martin Luther on earth

Praying for our dear dead

Marian Antiphon for the Paschal Season

Facebook version of Cathcon now live!

Oaths of the Knights of the Order of St George and the Round Table

Destruction of St George's Lithuanian Church

St George, Principal Patron of England

Come let us venerate the tomb of St George on his feastday

Reviewed kindly by a Hungarian blog

Feast of the Holy Sepulchre

Destruction of the Sacred Heart Church in Arnhem

Sent from the confessional to be castrated

When the Pope last said the Latin Mass- 1990

Expect a big fight over the Archbishopric of Salzburg

US religious women in state of shock following Vatican announcement

Vatican crackdown on American women religious finally arrives

Muslims belong to Germany, not Islam

St Gertraud's Church in Passau- victim of modernist renovation

With the East- the ecumenism that matters

Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum.

Feast of Pope St Anicetus

Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you life

Lefebvrite schism may be nearing an end

Wonderful Easter news for twelve parishes to be re-opened

Catholic Church service on Facebook

Vatican Hoping to Make SSPX Announcement Early Next Week

Happy Birthday Holy Father!