
The Bishop is pleased.....

Tuesdays - dedicated to the honour of the Holy Apostles

Feast of the Dedication of the Basilicas of the Apostles St Peter and St Paul

Of your charity, pray for the repose of the soul of

Heroic Catholic nuns

Feast of the Jesuit Martyrs of Paraguay

How The U.S. Bishops Helped Elect Obama

Cardinal presides over grotesque Mass in Vienna

We have no King but Caesar

Obama's Kenya ghosts

'Constitutional crisis' looming over Obama's birth location

Pure prophetic genius

The next leader of Britain's Catholics

Catholic youth at prayer in the Diocese of Munster


Feast of St Alfrick, Archbishop of Canterbury

Feast of Saint Gertrude the Great.

Obama is 'Aggressive, Disruptive and Apocalyptic'

Diocese Repudiates Catholic Priest

St. Nicholas of Tolentino

Saturdays- dedicated to Our Lady

Feast of St Albert the Great

Latest Catholic video news!

Restoring the reputation of Pope Pius XII

Defender of Infidelity, more like

Stat Crux dum volvitur orbis

The Crisis in the Church

Chemical attack on anti-abortion campaigners

A saint, he ain't II

Feast of St Serapion

Media vita in morte sumus

God Hungry