
Institutionalised liturgical abuse in Switzerland. Sacramental life being destroyed

Older and better devotions

Liturgy and queerness: musical "Bare" addresses faith and church at Catholic boarding school

Bishops who rose from their graves

Drag queens and tap-dancing bears in the Diocese of Mainz. Decadence in excess.

Applause as church tower brought down by explosives

Theologian thinks Church is there to create spaces not save souls

Francis talked the talk but never walked the walk on sexual abuse. Declining years of a failed Pontificate.

Proposal to no longer bury bishops in cathedral crypt following abuse scandal. Public access to Bishops' graves blocked.

Cardinal, "People are not touched when we proclaim Catechism truths"

Head of the Moscow Patriarchate's foreign office back in the Vatican

Protestants employ Blessing Robots but AI refuses to celebrate Latin Mass.Orders of Artificial Intelligence are totally and utterly void.

The total failure of Traditionis Custodes to suppress the Latin Mass

Vatican grounds Archbishop Gänswein in Germany

Serial-abuser Rupnik, who still has the support of the Pope, evicted from Jesuit Order after being given every chance