
Vultures circle after raid on Archdiocese of Cologne and its Cardinal. Agenda-driven ecclesiastical politics spills into the court.

Police raid Cardinal Woelki's residence

Rome prevents academic appointment of moral theologian

German Protestants give up on Pro-Life work with Catholics

Yet another "new religious movement" of the post-Conciliar age becomes a scandal magnet

Increasing speculation about the future of Archbishop Gänswein

Old hatreds of the Church alive and well in Paris

Clash in Spain between supporters of LGTBI+ and devotees of the Sacred Heart

What were the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising seeking to prove with their "Damned Desire" exhibition?

Frustrated left-wing Catholics

Hit with the bishop's staff: Catholic Press Association criticises the Swiss bishops and take shelter in bunker!

Synodal process is all about laity trying to seize money and power

"Art Bishop" celebrates modern art to the exclusion of Jesus Christ. Church diverting quantities of money and time from mission to modern art.

Artist responsible for "Piss Christ" guest of Pope in Vatican

French bishops' conspiracy to change Church teaching on homosexuality

Leading theologian forgets doctrine. "Ecumenism today is more of a political-psychological problem, especially on the Roman Catholic side".

Ghastly new liturgical furnishings at Notre-Dame in Paris

Gang of three female Austrian theologians exercising undue influence in the Church. In their own name, not in the name of the Faithful.