
Fire in beautiful German church: police suspect arson

The Synodalist Elite in France- the 10 online delegates to the European Synodal Continental Assembly

Wonderful video of Catholic life before the Council

Appeal for Prayers and Penances for the Liberty of the Traditional Mass in Lent

Hurt feelings of the President of the Central Committee of German Catholics

Mass in Rome for Pope Benedict 10 years after abdication

Feast of the Apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes

Priest down among the witches

How Europe's Churches see the German reforms

Liturgical Hall of Shame of Carnival Masses

Woelki as the Devil's own Cardinal

German Catholic laity on the march....along the Synodal Path

By its fruits shall ye know the European Synod Assembly

Bishop who backs same-sex blessings on European Synod Assembly: Disillusionment, frustration, strong anger

Feast of Saint Scholatica

Meetings, must have more meetings. Preaching the Cross and Him Crucified forgotten.

German delegation responds to end of European Synodal Assembly in Prague