
New devotion to gymnastic balls in the Diocese of Linz. Balls to make you marvel and smile.

Controversial art work to be evicted from Church in time for Holy Week

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Archbishop Gänswein preparing to be Nuntius in Costa Rice

Feast of Saint Benedict, anniversary also of his death

Pope Benedict XVI named as accused by Munich Public Prosecutor's Office

Vatican-caused pain and weeping of Italian contemplative nuns

Archdiocese repudiates the violent destruction of artwork that offended Christianity

Head of Italian bishops: Synodal Path leading to need for courageous choices.....which others would call dangers on the horizon

Concilio Subito! Council Now!

Secretary General of the Nordic Bishops' Conference expresses deepest reserve about German Synodal Path

Priest who wants to marry woman whom he believes is an "Incarnation of the Holy Spirit" is suspended

Bishop criticises "hermeneutics of suspicion" of the Synodal Path

Feast of Saint Cuthbert

The heart of a pig in church, blasphemy sold as art. Bishop unpunished.

Epidemic of attacks on Churches in Paris