
New video from Pope places human beings at the centre

Vienna under siege from Turkish hackers

Radical Catholic movement praises bishop as reformer

German cardinal thanks Angela Merkel for admitting over 1 million refugees

Angela Merkel is behaving like a Turkish Regional Governor

Merkel re-betrays the Armenians to please Turkey

Merkel's betrayal of the Armenians denied

Angela Merkel betrays the Armenians

Horrific Stations of the Cross at WYD

Refugee boat used as Corpus Christi altar by Cologne Cardinal

Shrine to St. Katharine Drexel to be sold

Cardinal Kasper totally in love with new Papal document on marriage

Cardinal warns against watering down of Catholic teaching after "Amoris laetitia"

My house shall be called a house of prayer but you are selling overpriced clothes.

Muslim on Christian violence in refugee reception centres

Rome makes new proposal to SSPX

"Jesus had two dads and he turned out just fine"

Performance of the "Mass on the World" by the Pope's favorite heretic.

Let's light up the Cathedral!

German Bishop at Synod for ecclesiastical recognition of same sex relationships

Explosive video. "Pope will show whose side he’s on" at the synod

Cardinal Secretary of State- Church needs perpetual reform

Hungarian bishop speaks of Muslim "invasion"

Inside the mind of a modernist

To rig one Synod, Pope Francis, may be regarded as a misfortune. To rig two looks like more than carelessness.

Rigging of the Synod outcome begins

Call for Pope to over-rule conservative outcome of October Synod.

Cardinal Sarah attacks Cardinal Marx for heresy.

Cardinal Lehmann praises Catholic renewal movementsin the Reformation period

Woman carries Blessed Sacrament in procession

Transsexuals announce legal action against Mexico's Cardinal

Head of CDF, Cardinal Müller warns of a split as big as the Reformation

Belgian priest suggests ‘celebration’ when Catholics die from euthanasia