
Excommunicated Synod supporter wants the Church to be run entirely by the laity

Bishop attacks the four German Bishops for leaving the Synodal Path

'Tucho' Fernandez does not understand that it is not for the Church to be shaped by the world but for the world to be shaped by the Church

Laypersons now burying the dead instead of priests

Pastoral Assistent Karnel presides over Pride Service in Chapel of the Last Judgment

Cardinal: Christians must remain universalists

Synodalist politics distancing people from Jesus

Synod delegate wants young people to become active players in the Church....without mentioning God or Jesus Christ once

Belgium Bishop implicated in sexual abuse cover up delegate to October Synod

"Tucho" Fernandez and Peronist machine politics. Peronism, the core of his faith.

Church 2023. Not my church.

Disturbing elevation of 'Tucho' Fernandez, the less than faithful Inquisitor

Synod delegate, known as the TikTok/Twitter nun defends blessings for homosexual couples

"I am being investigated for illegal immigration, that's why the Pope wants me at the Synod" "I wouldn't call myself a Catholic but a Christian.....I don't go to churches"

Catholic scouting group participates in largest homosexual rally in Europe