
Modernist and conservative fight in the Garden of Eden. First fruits of a synodal church.

Czech Cardinal calls on German Synodal Path and German bishops to urgent examination of their consciences

What is a climbing wall doing in Vienna's Cathedral? From 2022 and repeated this year.

Barbie should be a bishop. The modernist fantasy in response to the wokest film of all time.

How long before Vienna's cathedral is turned into a night club?

Last Generation climate activists now taken to disrupting medieval mystery plays.

Soon it will be easier to find a priest to minister to a melting glacier than to a dying person

Vatican to investigate Sodalitium abuse cases in Peru

Bishop, in Cardinal Martini's circle, predicted Pope Benedict would resign, a year before he did

Funeral of last European Father of the Second Vatican Council, who subverted Church teaching on abortion

Mosebach criticises Pope Francis and restriction on the liturgy

Ecumenical Requiem for Glacier

Opus Dei shrine becomes victim of modernist protection racket

Ecclesiastical troublemaker excluded from October Synod

Modernist church is dying. Now there are shortages of stealth priestesses and pseudo-clerics.

More tainted art by sexual abusers accepted by modernists

"Rome wants to keep protest under the carpet at World Synod" Feminists excluded from Synod.

Member of Synod elite shocked she is not one of the chosen

Jesuits: abuser from the United States sent to a school in Marseille?

Soulless modernity. The only Church consecrated in Germany this year.