
Catholic laity react badly to Bishops not wanting to pay for bureaucratic debating society

Latin Mass benefits from the "Barbara Streisand" effect

Bishop and priest co-operated with film advocating homosexuality in the priesthood and female priests

Austrian Bishops emphasise love for enemies as they discuss Synodality

Synodality plunged into crisis in Germany. Four brave Bishops turn off their money supply.

Archbishop under attack for the grave sin of running a successful diocese

Defending the indefensible ex-Jesuit Rupnik

Vatican adviser says Pope opposes ban on blessing gay couples. Someone is lying.

Let the dissolution of Catholicism in Germany commence! First Ecumenical Co-operative Parish set to open doors.

Multi-faith "House of One" planned in Berlin- will explore new liturgical paths....

After modernists start using a new Orwellian language, traditionalists and modernists are no longer using the same language

Fierce attack on Synodality and all its wicked fruits

Cardinal chased away from Aachen pilgrimage

Bicycle Stunt Mass