
Catholic devotions for the 26th September

Head of German bishops: Positions of the right-wing AfD and the Catholic Church are incompatible

Shocking details revealed in the Rupnik case. More to be revealed in series of articles.

Scandal that could easily destroy this Pontificate and take the Pope's Synod with it

Catholic devotions for the 25th September

Will the Swiss Nuncio allow sexual abuse investigators to examine his archives?

Does the Head of the German Catholic Bishops believe that right-wingers have souls that have to be saved?

Modernists simply cannot cope with the idea that the founder of a traditionalist order of nuns is a saint

Synodalists and antifa activists team up to attack Catholics praying Rosary. Police intervene

Church musician plans fresh and deeper hell in Church music

Feast of Our Lady of Walsingham

Vatican press corps provides cover for Pope Francis to rehabilitate sexual abuser. Very guilty bystanders.

Theologian questions primacy of celibacy and consecrated virginity over married life