
Synodal Assembly decides that homosexual couples can be blessed

Synodal Path Mass

Instrumentalisation of the sex abuse scandal by the self-regarding, self-seeking Synodal Path

Description of performance on the subject of abuse as satanic excites Synodalists

Archbishop Gänswein deeply critical of Synodal Path in new interview

Weird performance art instrumentalises abuse scandal for Synod to sieze power

Don't Do a Luther- message to Synodal Assembly

Synodal Path votes for Catholic priesthood to survive

Feast of Saint Frances of Rome

Traditionalist order receiving Vatican help following allegations against its late founder

Catholic Church entering post-ecclesiastical phase with Synodal Path

Secretary General of German Bishops Conference claims that Synod is not for making doctrinal statements

"Ugly trait" - vigorous criticism of Cardinal Lehmann over sexual abuse

Feast of Saint John of God

Liturgical deform

Why the Pope plans no visit to Argentina under any circumstances

Pope absolutely refuses to meet with Argentinian abuse victims