
Synodalists organising event celebrating vile abnegation of priesthood, taking lead from the anticlericalist rhetoric of the Pope

They're openly calling for changing the Faith at the Synod

Catholic devotions for the 12th October

Is Pope Francis protecting Marko Rupnik? “High-ranking clergy close to Francis have strongly suggested that Francis had virtually everything to do with the handling of this matter”

Apostolic Administrator who replaced the excellent Archbishop Haas says he will listen to the "reactionary priests" in the Diocese

Cardinal: Mercy - the name of our God. Culture of mercy is the future of the Church

Cunning plan of Cardinal Fernández to avoid any responsibility or blame in the sexual abuse scandals, with the added bonus he does not have to implicate the Pope in the Rupnik scandal

Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith Fernández claims fighting abuse remains a priority. Gives many interviews, silent on Rupnik

Catholic devotions for the 11th October

Synod in Rome enters its second week with a call for controversy