
German laity become more and more demanding. Revolution now!

Marian Academy President, newly appointed by Pope, claims Gospels and Fatima are "absolutely false"

instrumentalising sexual abuse, German Catholic laity intent on making Church a prisoner of the state

Modernist theologians want to be deeply embedded in Synodality

Tattoo better than a Rosary, compared to the beauty of a chasuble....

German laity and bishops fighting for the control of money

Pamplona Jesuits propaganda central for blessing of same-sex couples

German Catholicism falls victim to one-woman rule. She demands Synodal Path decisions be implemented in every German Diocese no matter what the Bishop thinks.

German laity want to completely emasculate their Bishops

Pope meets Child Protection Commission - after high-profile resignations

Genocidal priest expelled from priesthood after fathering a child

French diocese does not care whether the Celebrant of Mass is a priest

Jesuit on trial for blocking traffic to demonstrate against climate change

"Church as a power system......must come to an end"

Sisters of "Saint" Greta