
Catholic women go on strike and pretend to be bishops and priests

To the question of ordaining women to the diaconate only one answer is possible.....

Head of South American Bishops Conference thinks the Church should be shaped by the world. "There are those that say adherence to Faith and Tradition has come to an end"

Catholic devotions for the 30th of August

Mercy to all but not to traditionalists or right-wingers. The Ecclesiastical Commissar takes it on herself to decide who should be active Catholics

Church lets herself be instrumentalised by environmentalist

Rupnik sculptures litter and pollute the countryside around Geneva. Diocese is still thinking about what to do! How could this be a difficult decision?

Papal vendetta against Opus Dei challenges Vatican II and lay involvement. Pope loves Synodal claims for the laity on his conditions alone.

Catholic devotions for the 29th of August

Place of the Cross becomes uncertain in modern society

German Church at war with herself over homosexual blessings

Battle for the Saint Sauveur chapel from 2015