
Showing posts with the label vatican II

SSPX and the Vatican- overcoming the burdens of the past

Press release from the SSPX- 14th June

Pray for fifteen days with the Second Vatican Council

Cardinal Ouellet: Let Us Rejoice at Fruitfulness of Vatican II

Cardinal hopes for unity with the SSPX

Cardinal see only problems with the SSPX

The War lost by the Vatican

Lourdes- celebrating 50 years of Vatican II

Humanae Salutis calling Second Vatican Council published 50 years ago

Don't all priests know Latin??

Post-Conciliar Pottersville

Hullermann, the Munich priest, now suspended, pictured during his ministry

Decadent to the last

Fascinating article about secularised Quebec

Cardinal wants regular mini-Vatican II Councils

What does acceptance of Vatican II mean?

Bishop Fellay rejects Vatican II

Vatican II was bigger than the Council itself

Carnival time in the Church

Pope quotes Lumen Gentium at Angelus today