
Showing posts with the label vatican II

Cardinal Kasper plotting an anti-Ratzinger progressive Papacy

Leading Cardinal warns against Church becoming more progressive

Progressive Catholics- stuck in the past and irrelevant to the modern world

Video of post-Vatican III worship

Long-term associate of Pope attacks SSPX and calls for new Council

It was not the media who hijacked the Second Vatican Council

Head of CDF interviewed on Vatican II and SSPX (German)

Long Shadows of Vatican II

Many a true word at the Council spoken in jest

Cardinal- no going back on the Second Vatican Council

Documentary celebrates Vatican II

Vatican newspaper- those against the Council and the new liturgy are outside the Church

The Highest Duty of the Church

There will not be one Jesuit left in America by 2040

Modernists gather to set agenda for Vatican III

After Vatileaks, Tradileaks- the state of play of SSPX-Rome negotiations

One should not speak of renewal but rather of decadence

The Fractured Face of Carmel on the Feast of Our Lady of Carmel

The SSPX General Chapter and its consequences, including how they voted on Bishop Williamson's exclusion

The Pope has fond memories of Vatican II