
Showing posts with the label latin mass

Most beautiful picture of Mass

Feast of the Dedication of St Mary ad Martyres in Rome

Bishop Rifan on his way to Wales

Feast of the Holy Sepulchre

Some Christmas fun at the expense of the modernists

Don't all priests know Latin??

Members of Bishops' Conferences of the world will need a stiff whiskey before clicking on this.

Time for the Pope to celebrate Latin Mass in St Peter's Basilica

No new seminary for the Old Rite

Very good selection of commentaries on the Instruction

Updates on Instruction on the Application of Summorum Pontificum- a small commentary

Instruction on the Application of Summorum Pontificum- a small commentary

German Catholic Bishops respond to the Instruction

New Instruction makes BBC Radio News!

Implementation document for Summorum Pontificum due this Friday

Cardinal Danneels says Latin Mass

Rejoice, Jerusalem

Glorious videos on how to say the Latin Mass

Twins battling for the Latin Mass

Padre Pio celebrates Mass in 1956