
Showing posts with the label cardinal danneels

Belgian justice clears Cardinal over laptop

Naked girl on Cardinal Danneel's laptop

Lawyer for Cardinal Danneels speaks

Belgian bishops furious

Prosecutor confirms Dutroux material found in police raid on Cardinal

Noone is irreplaceable, but certainly there are some who are more than others. Thats the case of Cardinal Danneels

Prosecutor confirms that Cardinal Danneels is not being charged, at least for the time being

Does Cardinal Danneels really know nothing?

Video report in English of police raid on the Belgian Church

Video report of the interrogation of Cardinal Danneels

Cardinal Danneels- his legal postion in detail

Investigating judge called in this afternoon to decide if Danneels is witness or suspect

Cardinal Danneels questioning- latest news.

Cardinal Danneels questioning- dramatic development

Cardinal Danneels being questioned as a witness not a suspect

Cardinal Danneels arrived for questioning 9.40 Brussels time

Statement from the spokesman for the Belgian Church

Horrific serial infanticide files found in home of Cardinal Danneels. He is to be questioned today.

Did Cardinal Danneels destroy evidence?

Belgian Church a band of crooks?