
Showing posts with the label Synodal Path

German Schism begins in Essen in November

Dutch Bishop Mutsaerts slams German Synodal Assembly

Catholic trans woman demands change in Church teaching

Progressive Catholics in Germany declare themselves in schism

Cardinal Hollerich believes that same-sex couples can be blessed

Synodality completely lacks legitimacy

Cardinal Müller speaks of an hour of great tragedy caused by Roman silence

"The 'Synodal Path' into the German Schism". New interview with Cardinal Müller

The Synodal Path is in contradiction to Vatican II

Rainbow pastoral care: Freising is pilot location for "queer church" project of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising

Leading Synodalist bishop resigns, alleged to have protected sexual abuse perpetrators

Modernist theologian says Pope thinks Synodality is a Jesuitical game and is playing with fire, as many are threatening leave if disappointed

Sheer scale of the crisis revealed by Belgian contribution to German Synodal Assembly

Secretary General of the Nordic Bishops' Conference expresses deepest reserve about German Synodal Path