
Showing posts with the label Synodal Path

Bishop identifies Pope Francis with the Holy Spirit

What would Saint Maximilian Kolbe say to the Synodal Church? Not this.

Synodalist maintains that German Church has the same concerns as the Catholic Church

German laity become more and more demanding. Revolution now!

Modernist theologians want to be deeply embedded in Synodality

German laity want to completely emasculate their Bishops

The Rhine flows into the Churches. State-sponsored ecumenism in Germany. The Church of Germany on the horizon.

Synodalist who wants to impose progressive Synodality on the whole Church complains of authoritarianism

Christ and his Gospel too little recognised along Synodal Path. Matters of Faith and Morals cannot be decided by majority vote.

Synodalists hold their own "Conclave" in Rome

Even Cardinal Hollerich is fed up with the German Synodal Path

Cardinal Hollerich: Pope absolutely delighted about new role of laity in Synod

Nun says Church will only survive with total equality including ordination of women

Theologian: No Papal rebuke for Orban in Hungary

Cardinal warns German Church about taking their own path rather than the Catholic path

Synodalists dictating to Bishops

Gay eroticism and power: Queer exegesis in the Christian tradition