
Showing posts with the label Synodal Path

Polish Catholic Action delivers thundering and devastating rebuke to German Synodal Path

Synodal Path leads the dance at traditional pilgrimage

Feast of Pentecost

Female Jesuit, Queenpin of Synodality claims the Church should decentralise

Exclusive self-selecting club at summit of Synodal Path

Cardinal Grech gives interview on synodality

"OutInChurch" youth activist fights for place in Church

Theologian wants laity to coerce bishops

Politicisation of Catholic Faith and Morals by Synod. "Bishops are also allowed to be gay".

Schismatics are those who accuse the German Church of schism according to head of German Bishops

Leading Synodalist, Catholic Youth activitist and #OutInChurch supporter leaves Catholic Church but stays involved in Catholic Youth