
Showing posts with the label Pope Francis

Has the Pope finally completely lost the plot? He cannot carry on governing the Church like this.

Bad odour of the shepherds from the Church Francis left behind

Why did the Pope's favorite suddenly resign? More details.

Homosexual blessing becomes pseudo-wedding in Spain

Very good summary of the Rupnik scandal that will blacken forever the name of Pope Francis when history is written.

Extraordinary treatment of a layman by the Pope. Layman sues Bishop in civil court.

Monster Bishop protected by Pope. Full text of explosive document from 2019.

"The Colour of Love", the Art of Mercy by scandalous artist protected by Pope Francis

Sources indicate Pope may have restored the Papal title, Patriarch of the West

Damning indictment of Francis by Benedict's biographer. Francis the Fork Tongued

Polticised gender theology attacks Catholic doctrine

Cardinal Brandmüller utterly condemns the Synodal Path the devastation of the Church under Francis

Abuse of Canon Law by Pope Francis, not least to protect his friends