
Showing posts with the label Pope Francis

Scandal heaped upon scandal. Rupnik becomes incardinated priest in Slovenia.

Pope's enforcers use threat of visitation to coerce Faithful

Pope falls victim to rigid, soul-destroying anticlericalism. While others worships the Lord in the beauty of holiness, he is content with the ugliness of modernism.

Odours of political and financial corruption added to the vile stench of soul-destroying Synodal Modernism emanating from the Francis Vatican

Francis, Apostle of Change but not of Christ

Absolute Papal favourite, Bishop of Oran, defends soft treatment of his sexually abusing predecessor

With the help of Tucho, Pope wants to rehabilitate anti-Pope excommunicated by a Council. They only worry about obeying Vatican II and care nothing for previous Councils.

Synodalist modernists make shocking extremist claims about the Papacy

Argentinian proposal to cut ties with Vatican given the totalitarian spirt of Francis regime and friendship with dictators

Why regular Papal accusations of clericalism are just so wrong. Psychologist: “General suspicion” contributes to the stress of priests

Cardinal Müller attacked as ecclesiastical narcissist with distorted judgment by eminent canon lawyer who defends the regime of the "Dictator" Pope

Francis admits to being a heretic in latest interview, again attacks the rigid

Cardinal Fernández, "Every form of authority has a tendency to abuse". He and the Pope would know....

Archbishop Gänswein silenced in Madrid by the dictatorial regime that the Church has become under Francis

Abuse shame of Argentinian Church- interactive map

Cardinal Müller: "Bishops who betray their divine mission to avoid being accused of "proselytism" forget the purpose and reason of their own existence". Who can he be thinking of?