
Showing posts with the label Muslim

Cardinal Lehmann supports Islamic religious instruction

New Muslim spokesman in Germany may not be all he seems

We have only ourselves to blame

Pray for all the Easter Catechumens

Vatican official says Anglican head naive on Sharia

Video shows Muslims desecrating a Serbian church in Kosovo -

Vatican: Cardinal Kasper warns against naïve dialogue

Dutch Catholics have re-branded the Lent fast as the Christian Ramadan'

From the Basilica of St Denis to one dedicated to Mohammed

Jewish boycott of German Catholic Church Congress

Cardinal Kasper- Dialogue with Islam difficult

Where there is no vision the people perish

Islamic criticism and support

Egypt: Applause for Rowan Williams

More mosques and Islamic instruction in Catholic schools

Cardinal supports construction of mosques

German Bishops to discuss Motu Proprio

German Protestant Attack on Rowan Williams

Head of German Protestants attacks Rowan Williams

Goodnight Canterbury