
Showing posts with the label Muslim

Catholic laity for tolerance of Islamic traditions

Bavarian leader speaks out

Wellcome to St Michaels

Islamic Society of Greater Harrisburg

Turn towards the Lord! Conversi ad Dominum!

In the name of freedom of religion

Klagenfurt Prison Chapel in Austria

Nice work if you can get it

Long Night of the Churches 2006

Feast of the Dedication of Our Lady of the Snows

Spiritual cruelty

Sister Must Go!

Feast of the Holy and Undivided Trinity

New Age Church

Text of Letter from the International Council of Christians and Jews to Cardinal Kasper

Sleeping Cardinal almost lost 20 million euros

Will the Cathedral of St Pölten in Austria become a mosque?

Jewish group opposes Friday sermon for Muslims on German TV

A priest, Allah and a bad joke

Storm is brewing over editorial control of new German Muslim TV programming