
Showing posts with the label Islam

Muslim groups demand Hagia Sophia be made a mosque on the anniversary of conquest

German city to sign treaty with its Muslim community

Radical Islamist threatens death to members of right-wing group

Archbishop of Algiers: When Christians and Muslims pray together

Muslim extremists force closure of sixteen churches in Indonesia

German politicians argue about response to Islamic extremism

Iran issues death-fatwa against German rapper

Church to blame for spread of Islam in Europe claims convert

There is only one religion in Turkey and it is not Christianity

Interfaith in Iraq

Bishop speaks about critical situation in Kuwait.

Documentary on Islamic extremist who would conquer Rome

Update- Germany expels Islamic preacher

Islamic preacher- We will conquer Rome

Muslims belong to Germany, not Islam

Radical Muslims threaten journalists over mass distribution of Korans

Grand Mufti in Saudi threatens churches with destruction and Gulf politicians oppose church building

Sex education- Jesuit style- with added feminism

Muslims in Europe are converting empty Christian churches into mosques.

Flashback 2011-Muslims in France demand the use of churches.