
Showing posts with the label Father Rupnik

Too big to fail: the 7 lives of Marko Rupnik, defended to the bitter end by the Pope

To be able to move forward as a community and build Christ's Church, we need the truth. But can it really be said that Francis is any guarantee of truth?

Victim of Rupnik utterly condemns Papally-sponsored whitewashing of scandal

Slovenian Jesuit accomplice of Rupnik incardinated in Italian diocese

Scandal heaped upon scandal. Rupnik becomes incardinated priest in Slovenia.

Is Pope Francis protecting Marko Rupnik? “High-ranking clergy close to Francis have strongly suggested that Francis had virtually everything to do with the handling of this matter”

Cunning plan of Cardinal Fernández to avoid any responsibility or blame in the sexual abuse scandals, with the added bonus he does not have to implicate the Pope in the Rupnik scandal

Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith Fernández claims fighting abuse remains a priority. Gives many interviews, silent on Rupnik

"The Holy Spirit cannot contradict himself"

Swiss Synodalist says Synod must talk about abuse and then omits all mention of the Pope and of Rupnik

Rupnik is being protected claims leading Synodalist. “If we continue to remain silent, we contribute to continuing to hurt victims in their pain and loneliness"

Institutional resistance to combatting abuse in the Catholic Church. Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors thinking about Rupnik but don't dare to name him.

"I, an abused woman, denounce Father Rupnik to save other women"