
Showing posts with the label Argentina

Pope Francis takes us all for fools but the games that he plays are clearly visible

Pope Francis appoints Archbishop made in his own image. Bishops being appointed for Bergoglianism rather than Catholicism.

Pope pays homage to Maoist who supported abortion

The protected priest. Grassi's abuses: twenty years of the case that Bergoglio tried to cover up and could not.

Systematic cover-up at very highest levels of the Church in Argentina

Archdiocese repudiates the violent destruction of artwork that offended Christianity

Shocking case of sexual abuse in Argentina

The abuses in Argentina that Francis and his successor in Buenos Aires totally ignored

Why the Pope plans no visit to Argentina under any circumstances

Pope absolutely refuses to meet with Argentinian abuse victims

Pope Francis ignores two sexual abuse victims at college where he was a teacher

Convicted Bishop, friend of the Pope, still on the payroll

Church never helped victim of Pope's friend

Extraordinary relationship between Pope and convicted Bishop

Three sources now claim Pope supporting same sex civil unions