Cardinal Koch accuses SSPX of anti-semitism

Kardinal Koch beklagt Antijudaismus bei Piusbrüdern - Leider "unausrottbar" | Nachrichten -

Unfortunately, "ineradicable"
The Vatican's "ecumenical minister", Cardinal Kurt Koch complains about anti-Semitic tendencies in the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X. He also pointed out that Christians belonged to the accomplices of the perfection of industrial mass murder of European Jews and for the most part to the passive spectators.

From the examination of the role of Christians in the Holocaust, the document "Nostra Aetate" of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) emerged by which the Catholic Church had clearly associated herself with the fight against anti-Semitism. Despite the efforts at reconciliation with the Judaism, anti-Semitism in today's world is "ineradicable," complained Koch, whose office is ashead of the Pontifical Council of Unity.

"Even in the Christian theology of Judaism, anti-semitism has come back not only among the traditionalists, but also among those who follow liberal trends", said the cardinal.

Testifying to faith even to Jews
The Catholic Church does not try to convert Jews, nor do they endorse such attempts . "The principled rejection of institutional mission to the Jews, however, does not mean that Christians do not bear witness to their faith to Jews." This has, however, "given the tragedy of the Shoah be done in a humble way," said Koch, who had previously participated in the deliberations of the Vatican's doctrinal congregation on reaching an agreement with the SSPX.

From the Superior of which, the Vatican has required as, a condition of unification, the recognition the basic principles of the Council. After the protest of the other three bishops put against the unification efforts were made public, the Vatican made clar, Fellays suggestions would be considered separately from the demands of his fellow bishops, who include Holocaust denier, Richard Willianson.


Tancred said…
He was bad in Switzerland and is likely to get worse in the Curia.