Post-Conciliar sentimentality

Probably the most irreligious prayer card I have ever seen- inevitably leading to fideism and unbelief.

Don't often quote C G Jung on this website, but on this he is correct "Sentimentality is a superstructure covering brutality".
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Anita Moore said…
Yes. Related comment by Hillaire Belloc: those sentimental people who balk at the idea of executing criminals are the very same people who think it compassionate to put incurables to death, even though this clearly contravenes God's law against murder.

And in our own time, we can add to that same mix those who think abortion is another legitimate expression of compassion.
Paul said…
What rot! You might as well say that all those medieval images and enactments that put the Holy Family in contemporary settings and situations are what caused the Reformation!
In Flemish art, there is an initial deep spirituality in the portrayal of the Holy Family- the context in which they are placed then diverges between the realistic, contemporary and the fantastic. I am not against contemporary settings unless they lead to fideism- making them just as or ever more important than the historical reality- or worse ignoring the original reality all together. I am definitely against sentimentality which does not justice to the original reality, ultimately a sentimental portrayal of Christ crucified making a nonsense of the sacrifice on the Cross.