Lutheran liturgy in Latin- not a common sight!


Gideon Ertner said…
Today it seems strange. But Luther himself certainly would not have had any problem with it. He had a great appreciation for Latin.

It seems the 'enrichment' spoken of in Summorum Pontificum is having an effect far beyond the Novus Ordo!
This post is splendid! Thank you. This liturgy is very close to Lutheran liturgical orders as they would have been celebrated in city and university churches well into the 19th century in Germany. This the kind of Lutheran Mass for which Bach provided his great church music. The Evangelical Mass was celebrated using both Latin (ordinary, some propers, etc.) and German (instruction before communion, the consecration). Luther is often blamed for impoverishing the liturgy, but in fact, his liturgy was very rich and full, not iconoclastic. It is the Calvinists and Zwinglians who departed from the Western liturgical tradition. Luther was a very conservative reformer and, I would argue, a faithful son of the Catholic Church.