Leader of German lay Catholics admits Synodal Path is rigged

 Stetter-Karp on the Swiss Synod report: "It is about setting the Church in motion!"

The Presidency of the Central Committee of German Catholics 

"The report that went from Switzerland to Rome shows that the concerns of Catholics are similar to those of their German brothers and sisters in faith. It is about setting the Church in motion! 

In our Church, the diversity of human life is to be accepted and power is to be shared, women are to be perceived as equal and priestly ways of life are to be reconsidered. We want to move from a clerical to a truly synodal church. The Swiss and the Germans agree on this, it seems to me.

In both countries, only a small percentage of the faithful have even been willing to send a response to the Vatican. A great many people have obviously already said goodbye to any hope of change, they no longer speak out. I hope that all those who are now committed to a future with and in the Church will strengthen each other - across all national borders."

Irme Stetter-Karp is President of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK). She comments to kath.ch on the Swiss synod report that the Swiss Bishops' Conference sent to Rome. In it, various wishes for reforms are expressed. 


Cathcon: If so few people took part, why should any notice be taken of the results....which are basically the musings of handfuls of progressive activists. 

Amazing theory she has that people who don't participate can have there votes counted anyway.  It is a reminder of elections in Communist countries.  They are not called the Central Committee for nothing.  Who do they think they are? Presuming on what people think!

Swiss Report

Desire for a synodal church

In its final report, the Church in Switzerland had expressed the desire for a synodal church that recognised "the royal, priestly and prophetic dignity and calling" of the baptised. For example, women, divorcees and queer people should no longer be excluded. The paper also criticises the "clericalism that still exists in some places". This, however, is opposed to synodality. However, the text also states that the interest of the faithful in the preliminary work on the report was low.

German Report

In the document from Germany, the German Bishops' Conference (DBK) emphasised that the vast majority of the faithful in Germany long for a "comprehensive culture of synodality" in the Church, "characterised by openness, empathy and authenticity and a spirituality of walking together". In addition, a "clear positioning of the bishops on the pressing enquiries of this time, such as equal access to church offices for all baptised persons, a reassessment in sexual morality and a non-discriminatory treatment of homosexual and queer people" was needed to restore trust.

Cathcon: So the reports are calling for a "church of the permanent synod" that is going to maintain the church in a state of perpetual revolution ending up God alone knows where.  Yet the actual participation in the synodal process was tiny, so why would anyone want to continue it, unless it is to manipulate the church to their own ends.

