Cardinal Schönborn's manifesto for the Papacy

The Church that Austrian Catholics had become accustomed to is “a thing of the past.”

“The time has come to face the changes that have taken place in society in a far more serious way than we have up until now.”

Schonborn's new statements point to the same goals Ratzinger set out 42 years ago

Vatican II had already provided the impetus for inserting the Church in a free society, but an enormous amount of work still needs to be done, which will change the nature of the Church.

“Today we live in a culture of freedom, and this is a very good thing since it is when we are free that we are most like God.” (Cathcon- the Cardinal has been reading too much Hegel rather than Aquinas)

“Freedom is the best starting point for the convincing, believing and fortifying Church of the future - which will look quite different from the Church we have known up to now.”

In a free society with its manifold possibilities, the Church will be just one player among many others (Cathcon !!!!!!!!!-  if this holds for society, will certainly hold for individuals- the death of spirituality!).

Parishes will be larger and “slimmer” in structure.

“Do not think that this [new departure] is a trivial matter for me as a Bishop responsible for it. It means saying goodbye to the Church of my childhood … But reality leaves us no other choice.”

More here

And lest we forget- how Cardinal Schönborn says Mass- the now famous Balloon Mass.

Compare how Cardinal Burke and Cardinal Mahony say Mass.


Geremia said…
"the Church will be just one player among many others"

This is precisely the Freemasons' goal; he's a Freemason, perhaps without even knowing it! Thus, he's not Catholic.
Sixupman said…
The Fr. Ratzinger of 42 years ago is not the same Ratzinger who became head of the CDF and later Pope! He saw the errors of his youth.