The financial incompetence and corruption behind Vatileaks

The Gemelli Hospital in Rome, owned by the Church, has a hole in theie accounts of one billion. This has been revealed in a letter to Cardinal Bertone: "There is danger of bankruptcy"

A few days ago the Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone received a report with devastating content regarding  the healthcare operations of the Catholic University of Sacred Heart which controls the Gemelli Hospital, showing a total debt of nearly one billion (750 to banks and 170 million to suppliers), and the risk of a crash is very close.   "L'Espresso" has read the confidential memo dated May 17, 2012 from Joseph Profiti, Bertone loyalist and part of the management of the University emphasising without any nonsense the seriousness of the situation. This has been caused by mismanagement and the fact that the claims budgeted by management of the hospital  against the Lazio Region (about 820 million, which in theory balance the debts, money that includes  257 million still in an arbitration court) are largely uncollectible.

The prospect for the Gemelli is a nightmare- cutting wages, job losses, split between the university and hospital and sale of the hospital. In December, the Lazio region led by Renata Polverini said it would give the Gemelli  no more than 79 million, whilst Profiti is more optimistic and hopes that the account just opened by the government would bring in cash for 50 percent of the amount required. But even so the remaining debts would not be "less than 400 million euros." If the figure was included in the total budget of the Catholic University, the consequences could be disastrous. "It would be impossible to access to structured bank financing and exposure to possible bankruptcy petitions in the court of Milan by the creditors or, if the situation of the University comes to the attention of ajudge, the opening of bankruptcy proceedings ex officio.   It must be mentioned the court of Milan has developed a very aggressive attitude. " As the case of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan.

Broken dream. In the Vatican "mala tempora currunt". By the black crows, leaks of confidential documents and wars between opposing factions, the Holy See is rocked by scandals unprecedented. But soon other key issues, flaws that so far have remained well hidden under the carpet will shake the Curia, because the new crisis will overwhelm the Church in a field which counts the most: that of hospitals controlled by religious. Yet until recently, hopes were very different. Bertone had decided, in agreement with the former President of the IOR Ettore Gotti Tedeschi (who, together with some politicians had initially launched the idea, as stated in this exclusive document ) and Profiti (the chairman of the Infant Jesus Hospotal a layman and loyalist of the former Archbishop of Genoa), to buy the San Raffaele. The rescue should have been the first step of a more daring scheme, the creation of a Vatican healthcare cluster, apart from the institution founded by Don Verzè, the Gemelli, the IDI-San Carlo, the Infant Jesus and the House for the Relief of Suffering in San Giovanni Rotondo. A giant.

But over the months the puzzle put together by Bertone and Profiti went to hell. The San Raffaele has fallen into the hands of Giuseppe Rotelli, Gotti Tedeschi was expelled in disgrace, the control of the Toniolo Institute (the foundation that controls the Catholic) has fallen into the hands of a sworn enemy- Cardinal Angelo Scola. And, with the exception of the Infant Jesus, the Catholic hospitals have increasingly negative accounts, and financial crash is seriously threatened. In addition to the Gemelli, at the Idi San Carlo doctors and nurses are paid in bursts (the last salary received is in March), while the hospital founded by Padre Pio, which is 90 million in the red, fought an impossible war to obtain credits that are the boast of of the Puglia Region. Two judicial inquiries of the Prosecutor of Rome ( on on the Idi and the other on the Gemelli, where at the end of 2010, 800 000 Euro for hospitalizations "disappeared") have begun to investigate the possible cause for the collapse.
