Benedictine Christmas 2007

Yes, these are Benedictine sisters. Clearly more worried about themselves than by Christmas.

The Doom, as this group of Sisters is already known by Cathcon.


Tom in Vegas said…
Always before visiting your blog, I psychologically brace myself for what I might see.

It never works.

That priest with the assorted Trick-or-Treaters is one I'm going to need counseling to help me get over.

Boadicea said…
This is incredible! Do you realize what that is? Eurythmie.

It is practised at the Rudolf-Steiner- or Waldorfschulen.

I take it you speak German, so here is a German source:

Eurythmie kann von ihren Wurzeln in der heidnischen Tempeltanzkunst her und gemäss ihrem Selbstanspruch, dem Menschen unzugängliche übersinnliche Welten auf Erden zu vergegenwärtigen, aus christlicher Sicht nur als dämonisch inspirierte und Dämonen herbeirufende Kunst verstanden werden. Betrachtet man die mit Geheimsymbolen gefüllten Bühnenbilder und seltsamen Bewegungsformen bei eurythmischen Aufführungen (einige sind in Steiners Buch "Eurythmie" fotografisch dokumentiert), dann ergibt sich für den unbefangenen Beobachter ein unheimlicher und finsterer Eindruck. Im "Lexikon des Geheimwissens" von H. Eurythmie Miers wird ausdrücklich auf die Ähnlichkeit zwischen der Steinerschen Eurythmie und dem brasilianischen Macumba-Spiritismus hingewiesen:

"Nachdem von der Theosophie praktisch alle Religionen, der Okkultismus, die Magie und der Spiritismus bearbeitet worden waren, suchte Steiner auch die Kunst in den Dienst der anthroposophischen Theosophie zu stellen (...) Es handelt sich dabei (sc. bei der Steinerschen Eurythmie) besonders um Bewegungen, die das gesprochene Wort besser zum Ausdruck bringen sollen, ähnlich der Macumba, einem magischen Tanz der südamerikanischen Eingeborenen" (Miers 1986, 138).

Steiner bestätigt dies indirekt, wenn er sagt:

"Der Rhythmus des Tanzes führt zu den Urzeiten der Welt. Die Tänze unserer Zeit sind eine Degeneration der uralten Tempeltänze, durch welche die tiefsten Weltgeheimnisse erkannt werden" (642,186).

Vor der Eurythmie als einer okkulten Praktik ist somit deutlich zu warnen."

The Christengemeinschaft, the religious superstructure of the anthroposophic movement, is on the official sect roster of the German Lutheran Church. I don't know what the stance of the Catholic church is or whether they have a stance at all.

Anthroposophy, Steiner's system of teaching and philosophy, is not Christian. It is related to many other pseudo-religious movements that arose during the later part of the 19th century. Steiner was involved in "theosophy" for some time before separating himself from the theosophists in order to form his own movement.

In common with many other 19th century pseudo-religious movements, anthoposophy teaches that there is "hidden" or lost knowledge that was possessed by the "ancients" that must be recovered. This interest in pre-Christian pagan mythology causes anthroposophy to involve itself in a free-form "make it up as you go" pagan mysticism. History cannot tell us what the druids or the pre-Christian cults really believed. Most of their teachings were secret and were not recorded in writing. This allowed mystics to project their own fantasies on to these ancient religious practices and yet cloak them with the mysterious and exciting aura of an ancient religion.

Much of the teaching of the theosophists and the anthroposophists is borrowed from Buddhism and Hinduism. They believe in "karma" and reincarnation. They believe in the pre-existence of the soul before birth. They believe in successive "avatars" (not the Internet kind!) or messiahs who bring the "god-consciousness" to each succeeding generation.

They believe in a general concept of self-improvement and mystical enlightenment that allows the soul to progress into ever higher spheres of existence until some form of higher consciousness or transcendence is reached by an "initiate".

Steiner's anthroposophy wraps itself in cloak of Christian symbology and terminology, but it is not Christian. It teaches that you cannot understand the Bible unless its "secret meanings" are decoded by anthroposophy's interpretation of the words, symbols, and themes. As a result of this esoteric re-interpretation, the core teachings of Judaism and historic Christianity are discarded in favour of a feel-good mysticism.

The most important differentiation between anthroposophy and Christianity, however, lies in the fact that Christianity is about restoring our relationship with the Creator. This relationship has been lost because of mankind's rebellion and disobedience to His holy law. Only through the perfect life and sacrificial death of Jesus is our guilt taken away from us and Christ's righteousness credited to our account. This process of redemption, the very heart of Christianity, is completely removed by anthroposophists from their own philosophical and religious construct.

How the Lutherans can file such a bunch under "Christian" sect is beyond me, but that doesn't change the fact that we are seeing a heathen temple dance here.

I attended a German Waldorf school for 12 years in the late Fifties and Sixties. That is why I recognized what we are seeing here within seconds, whatever the Sisters may call it.

Here is a video I ramdomly picked from the YouTube website. So you can see that I am not making things up.
Nothing shocks me these days, but I'll have to describe it as pathetic. Dance does NOT BELONG IN MASS Period!
Boadicea said…
I absolutely agree! I went to the website and saw to my dismay that this video is sold as "liturgical dance" there, which makes it even worse than it appears here.
Hail3N1 said…
These "dream ballerinas" most probably belong to the clique of Shirley McClain. I think they rode in on a Space Ship.