Russian start to talk

about Cathcon.

I have not got a clue what they are saying about me.


Unknown said…
Post a comment and ask. It stands to reason, if they are talking about you, they can read English.

It also stands to reason - given that two posters have a Latin signatures (Anna: Veritas, Eugenia Deo sit semper gloria!)and one poster has an avatar of a Crusader (Oleg Michael) and one appears to be a photo of a young looking priest/seminarian (Ivar) and one posts under the screen name "Doctor_angelicus"...

Well I would wager to guess that they are our type of people, and likely fans of your blog.

As to the poster whose signature is "you just keep punching, Apollo" (Signature)... eh, the jury is still out on him.
Unknown said…
ok, I have been messing around with Babelfish and pulled out my college Russian-English dictionary and have been wrestling with this text with my friend from Poland for a time being.

Dude, they are Russian traditionalists talking about the "tridentskim bogosluzhebnye" The Tridentine Mass.

And buddy, you're a hit in Russia.
