Feast of All Holy Popes


St. Peter, pray for us
St. Linus, pray for us
St. Anacletus, pray for us
St. Clement, pray for us
St. Evaristus, pray for us
St. Alexander I etc
St. Sixtus I
St. Telesphorus
St. Hyginus
St. Pius I
St. Anicetus
St. Soter
St. Eleutherius
St. Victor I
St. Zephyrinus
St. Callistus I
St. Urban I
St. Pontian
St. Anterus
St. Fabian
St. Cornelius
St. Lucius I
St. Stephen I
St. Sixtus II
St. Dionysius
St. Felix I
St. Eutychian
St. Caius
St. Marcellinus
St. Marcellus I
St. Eusebius
St. Melchiades
St. Sylvester I
St. Marcus
St. Julius I
St. Damasus I
St. Siricius
St. Anastasius I
St. Innocent I
St. Zozimus
St. Boniface I
St. Celestine I
St. Sixtus III
St. Leo the Great
St. Hilary
St. Simplicius
St. Felix III
St. Gelasius I
St. Symmachus
St. Hormisdas
St. John I martyr
St. Felix IV
St. Agapitus I
St. Silverius martyr
St. Gregory the Great
St. Boniface IV
St. Deusdedit
St. Martin I martyr
St. Eugenius I
St. Vitalian
St. Agatho
St. Leo II
St. Benedict II
St. Sergius I
St. Gregory II
St. Gregory III
St. Zachary
St. Paul I
St. Leo III
St. Paschal I
St. Leo IV
St. Nicholas the Great
St. Adrian III
St. Leo IX
St. Gregory VII
St. Celestine V
St. Pius V
St. Pius X
Blessed Victor III
Blessed Urban II
Blessed Eugene III
Blessed Gregory X
Blessed Innocent V
Blessed Benedict XI
Blessed Urban V
Blessed Innocent XI
Blessed Pius IX
All Ye holy Popes, pray for us

Ant O all ye priests of God, bless ye the Lord. O all ye servants of the Lord, sing praises unto our God. Alleluia.
V/ Let them exalt them, in the congregation of the people. R./ And praise them in the assembly of the elders.
O God, Who takest thought for Thy people in Thy loving kindness, and rulest them in Thy love, grant for the sake of Thy Church the spirit of wisdom unto all those upon whom Thou hast laid the duty of government, that the profit of holiness in the flocks may work eternal gladness for the shepherds. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.
* (The number is omitted and pray for us is added after each name.)


Hubert O'Grady said…
You forgot Blessed John XXIII
humboldt said…
Yes you forgot Blessed John XXIII. If you put Bl. Pius IX, beatified by JPII, then you have to also put John XXIII, beatitied by him also.
Hubert O'Grady said…
If you include any Pope beatified by any Pope then you need to include all Popes beatified by all Popes.